As the Coronavirus spreads around the globe, some of you have asked how Cambodia Christian Ministries is handling the situation. The latest news is that there are less than 100 cases of Covid-19 in the country, but being a third world country, there is no telling what the exact number is. Also, being a third world country there is less medical expertise and fewer supplies to help those with the virus. All the schools in the country have been closed. Travel in and out of the country has been reduced greatly.

Sokhom and I have been visiting regularly about appropriate procedures concerning the pandemic and CCM activities. We have closed the front gate for the time being. The only exception is that two of our men go to the market daily to get food. When they return they wash their hands and change clothes. Our doctors are paying attention to the developing situation, but until more information and protective equipment becomes available, they are simply following the guidelines to slow the spread.

Sokhom’s spring trip to the US has been postponed. We continue teaching Bible via Skype to the Cambodia Bible School students. Thank the Lord for technology! And in spite of everything, construction continues on the fish pond, building up the levy, putting a better roof and walls on the multi-purpose building for future LeaderCare seminars, etc.  Needless to say, there is still plenty to do and plenty being done!

Please include Cambodia and especially Sokhom and the rest of the people at CCM in your prayers. Feel free to contact me for any further information. God bless the friends and partners of Sokhom and CCM as we continue to bless the precious people of Cambodia with the Good News of Jesus Christ.

In Christ,
Mike Meierhofer