

In 2015, CCM purchased 75 acres of land with the goal of the ministry becoming mostly self-sustaining. It was nothing but brush and trees. But over the past several years, we have cleared and developed the land. Sokhom and our students have dug fish and frog ponds, planted around 2,000 coconut trees, farmed rice, and even run cattle. We sell everything beyond what we eat with the goal of becoming truly Cambodian run and funded. We want the gospel to take off in the Cambodian culture, carried by Cambodian Christians!

But it’s a jungle out there! If you look closely, Indy… I mean Sokhom, has a snake and a rat on a pole! Some of the guys (excluding Sokhom) are going to eat well tonight. While he’s not big on snake and rat, Sokhom is having a blast serving the Lord with vigor, commitment, and great faithfulness!

While working the land will cover the fixed expenses at CCM Center, there will still be a need for help from faithful Christians around the world for medicine, orphans, and water wells. There are so many people we can reach through the generosity of others. Thanks for your support of this phenomenal work of the Lord!

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Thanks 2021 Golfers!

Thanks to all of our sponsors and golfers for your incredible support! What a blessing to be with you for our 8th Annual Cambodia Christian Ministries Golf Tournament and what a great day for golf! There is nothing like October Texas weather and the Brookhaven Country Club staff are always gracious hosts.

Cambodia continues to be one of the best opportunities to share the gift of faith in Christ in the world! The country is almost entirely Buddhist, but when people hear of Jesus… well it’s truly amazing. Mike always says it’s like being in the first century church! While we wish Sokhom could have joined us this year in person, we are united across the world in our love for God’s people in Cambodia.

Your generosity will help spread the gospel and love of God among lost and hurting people. Who would have thought that playing golf could bless the poor, feed the hungry and heal the sick. Thanks to all of our partners in the Lord! We are humbled to serve.

Click here to see photos from the day. See you next year!

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Below is a 20-second video from one of the men who travels to Cambodia to help in the mission work there. Buddy Gray is one of the ministers at the Davis Park Church of Christ in Modesto, CA. His loving church sent him with some extra funds to feed some of the neighboring village kids a more nutritious meal than they are accustomed to. Here are Buddy’s thoughts:

 Blessed are the children for they will show you God. One of the great moments of my life was spending time at CCM “Jesus Place” helping with a children’s day. Singing and teaching songs about Jesus to children who are hearing about Him for the first time was truly amazing. The enthusiasm and their gratitude was off the charts. The video was taken at the end of the day when they were about to go  home. Tears of joy flowed from my eyes that day and still do when I watch the video. What a blessing to bless others who are less fortunate in the villages of Cambodia.

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Let the Little Children Come to Me

…for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these (Mark 10:14).

One of the beautiful blessings of sharing Jesus in the remote villages of Cambodia is witnessing the
spiritual hunger and thirst of the young people. We praise the Lord always for the many Buddhist and Muslim adults who turn to Jesus for salvation, but seeing young Cambodians come to Jesus is especially exciting looking ahead. The spiritual landscape of Cambodia in the future will more and more be transformed into the image of the Son of God. These Christian young people will soon be leaders in this country, and our efforts now will pay spiritual dividends in the kingdom of God at an increasing measure. God bless you for being a part of saving precious souls in Cambodia!

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Burn Baby Burn

In Acts 19:11-20 the Apostle Paul leads many to salvation in Christ in Ephesus. People carried handkerchiefs or aprons from Paul’s body to the sick, and they would be healed. Many brought their magic books and burned them in the fire as a sign that those powers were no longer necessary since they have Jesus in their life.

As we preach Jesus in the remote villages of Cambodia, Buddhists and Muslims will come to be baptized into Christ wearing superstitious bracelets and multi-colored belts to protect them from the evil spirits. Sokhom literally checks peoples’ wrists and waists as they come forward. When he finds a person wearing a religious-magic item, he talks to them about the uselessness of it compared to the real power of Jesus to work in their lives. Then he uses it as a teaching tool and talks to the crowd to help them see that Christ is all we need. These evil spirits have no power compared to Jesus! Others will then remove the bracelets and belts and we will burn them in a fire – just like Acts 19.

One year Sokhom held up his Bible in one hand and a lighter in the other and jokingly said to me, “This is all I need in the villages of Cambodia.”


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CCM Campus Tour

Just like everywhere else, the past twelve months have been a challenge for Sokhom and CCM.  Some parts of the ministry are still on hold due to Covid-19, others are receiving some extra attention.  Sokhom and the students have worked hard improving the facilities and preparing for everything to come fully back online.  We showcased their progress at our annual golf tournament, which raises funds for infrastructure every year, and we wanted to share this video with all of you.  Thanks to Tom Sweat and his family for putting this together for us!

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Cobra Soup Is Mm-Mm Good!

Campbell’s Cobra soup is mm-mm good!

Years ago, Sokhom and I reached out to an organization that helps with building projects in poor countries.  On the questionnaire they asked if there were any poisonous snakes in the area.  Sokhom had me write, “No poisonous snakes. We ate them all!”

That story rang true this week when one of our workers walked by the guesthouse where I stay when in Cambodia. He stepped over what he thought was a stick, but it turned out to be a five-foot long cobra!

Sokhom said they killed it with a rock, and then one of the students made some excellent cobra soup. According to them, it doesn’t taste like chicken but definitely tastes better than rat.

Sokhom has made a great sacrifice to serve the Lord as a missionary in his native country of Cambodia. As a result, God has blessed CCM in a monumental way. Together, we have physically helped over 200,000 poor people in villages since 2009. Greater yet, we are no longer able to keep track of the number of Buddhists and Muslims becoming Christians because of our CBS graduates along with several hundred house church leaders sharing Jesus in their respective villages.

Maybe cobra soup is not mm-mm good, but the mission work of Sokhom Hun and the CCM team is a sweet aroma and sacrifice to the Lord!


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What Is a Cambodia FLOG?

A “FLOG” is a flood blog!  🙂

I wanted to tell loving people like you, who help provide relief to those who are hungry and hurting, about the flood and the relief effort in Cambodia.  Last month Sokhom, our three doctors, and our 15+ preaching students hand-delivered many tons of rice to the poor in remote villages.  Recent tropical storms and broken dams had caused tremendous flooding, which inflicted losses and suffering on the people.  Most of the rice went to those who were hit hard a few hours northwest of CCM Center, but all of it went to villages where we have either graduates or house church leaders we partner with.  These relationships allow us to show the love of Jesus in a clear way.  Sokhom and his team will make another delivery later in January as the region continues to recover from the destruction. 

I also want you to know that every dollar given for flood relief in 2020 has been spent for that purpose. In 2021, we continue to have no administrative fees and all donations will continue to go to the ministry and work in Cambodia. We thank the Lord so much for your partnership with us to physically and spiritually help the poor of Cambodia. God bless you for your love for the disadvantaged!

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Golf and Excavators

What could the game of golf and a dirt-moving excavator possibly have in common? And, I am not referring to some of the golfers taking big excavator type divots when they attempted to hit the ball at the CCM Golf Tournament. I am speaking of the “brand new used” excavator Sokhom was able to buy because of CCM supporters and golfers.

The excavator is one of the main pieces of machinery needed to do the work at CCM Center. It will help us reach our 2024 goal of being self-supporting in much of the mission work in Cambodia. We’ll always need help with medicine, orphans, widows and water wells; however, the major operational expenses will be covered by the sale of what our farm produces (fish, frogs, shrimp, coconuts, lemons, etc.).

If you are reading this, know that we thank the Lord so much for your loving support. Together we are physically and spiritually helping the poor in the villages of Cambodia.

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Orphans, Marriage, and Infants

Sopheap and Sreyroth grew up as orphans on a remote island in Cambodia where CCM supports orphanages. They eventually married! It’s a sweet story of two people coming to faith and love together with Jesus in the middle of their marriage. Sopheap graduated Cambodia Bible School in 2017 and oversees the several hundred chickens on our farm. Sreyroth graduated from the university in Phnom Penh majoring in veterinary medicine.

Recently, the two were blessed with a new baby, but the infant had some serious physical issues. Thankfully, with the help of CCM donations and the children’s hospital in Phnom Penh, they were able to get the critically needed surgery and the long term outlook is very positive! It’s really amazing what God can do with generous servants with a heart for the poor! God bless you for helping us help the precious poor in Cambodia.

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