
Beach Trip

The Salmon River in Idaho (The River of No Return) is probably more famous, but the Clearwater River in many folk’s estimation is the bigger, better river. It’s called the Clearwater River because that’s what it is! Likely created during one of the Ice Ages, it’s located at the end of the glacier where small rocks found their way. The river flows from snowpack out of the Sawtooth/Bitterroot Mountains, and the result is a crystal clear river in which you can see the rocks on the bottom.

There is no Clearwater River in Cambodia. Like many of our ponds, lakes and rivers, the water is brown. Most Cambodians live their whole life without ever seeing clear water. Our CCM Jesus Children had heard the rumors about the great ocean, and they didn’t want to be those folks who grew up never seeing it. So they came up with a plan. They talked Grandpa “Softy” Sokhom into sending them to see the ocean. Early in the morning, they loaded up multiple vehicles with children and their adult chaperones and drove to the ocean. The kids were stunned by the magnitude and the beauty of the ocean, but even more so by the clarity of the water! They found it hard to believe that water came in any other color but brown!

Everybody had a great day at the ocean in the magnificence of God’s creation! They played and splashed and picnicked and made memories that will last them a lifetime. These children love simple pleasures. They’re not spoiled brats or ungrateful little whiners. In fact, they’re just the opposite: appreciative, kind, and grateful for the opportunities Jesus Place affords them. Their attitudes are as fresh as clean, clear water.

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2024 Medical Mission Trip Update!

Mike’s back from his recent trip with an update on all God’s doing in Cambodia!

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Medical Mission Trip Update

Check out Mike’s update from the February Medical Mission Trip!

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Little Children Praying to a Big God

Kampong Leng “Island” is one of the most precious places in Cambodia. CCM helps support two orphanages there. We have graduates of our Cambodia Bible School (CBS) ministering at both orphanages, but we also provide a nurse that takes care of the children’s physical needs. Our young preachers’ mission is what James would call true religion: reaching out to the community with the good news of Jesus Christ and caring for the orphans. Additionally, CCM doctors make several trips to Kampong Leng during the year to check on all the children.

The orphans will smile and laugh as they play with nothing more than a rock and a stick. And oh, how they love to sing songs about Jesus! They have such a pure faith. It’s free from the glamour, glitter and clutter of the world that blinds so many from seeing Jesus clearly.

In the photo above, the children are praying for their daily bread or, in the Cambodia case, RICE. They have so little, but they are big in gratitude. They are little children praying to a big God who loves and cares for all his children.

May the Lord Jesus Christ continue to bless Sokhom and the rest of the workers at CCM as they labor to bless physically and spiritually the orphans, widows, poor, sick, Buddhists, Muslims, and beyond.  

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Some of Sokhom’s assistants checked on our Cambodia Preaching School graduates and sent the pictures below.  This gives us a great visual image of the active ministry being done by our CBS graduates.

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Below is a 20-second video from one of the men who travels to Cambodia to help in the mission work there. Buddy Gray is one of the ministers at the Davis Park Church of Christ in Modesto, CA. His loving church sent him with some extra funds to feed some of the neighboring village kids a more nutritious meal than they are accustomed to. Here are Buddy’s thoughts:

 Blessed are the children for they will show you God. One of the great moments of my life was spending time at CCM “Jesus Place” helping with a children’s day. Singing and teaching songs about Jesus to children who are hearing about Him for the first time was truly amazing. The enthusiasm and their gratitude was off the charts. The video was taken at the end of the day when they were about to go  home. Tears of joy flowed from my eyes that day and still do when I watch the video. What a blessing to bless others who are less fortunate in the villages of Cambodia.

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Let the Little Children Come to Me

…for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these (Mark 10:14).

One of the beautiful blessings of sharing Jesus in the remote villages of Cambodia is witnessing the
spiritual hunger and thirst of the young people. We praise the Lord always for the many Buddhist and Muslim adults who turn to Jesus for salvation, but seeing young Cambodians come to Jesus is especially exciting looking ahead. The spiritual landscape of Cambodia in the future will more and more be transformed into the image of the Son of God. These Christian young people will soon be leaders in this country, and our efforts now will pay spiritual dividends in the kingdom of God at an increasing measure. God bless you for being a part of saving precious souls in Cambodia!

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Orphans, Marriage, and Infants

Sopheap and Sreyroth grew up as orphans on a remote island in Cambodia where CCM supports orphanages. They eventually married! It’s a sweet story of two people coming to faith and love together with Jesus in the middle of their marriage. Sopheap graduated Cambodia Bible School in 2017 and oversees the several hundred chickens on our farm. Sreyroth graduated from the university in Phnom Penh majoring in veterinary medicine.

Recently, the two were blessed with a new baby, but the infant had some serious physical issues. Thankfully, with the help of CCM donations and the children’s hospital in Phnom Penh, they were able to get the critically needed surgery and the long term outlook is very positive! It’s really amazing what God can do with generous servants with a heart for the poor! God bless you for helping us help the precious poor in Cambodia.

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Cambodia and Coronavirus

As the Coronavirus spreads around the globe, some of you have asked how Cambodia Christian Ministries is handling the situation. The latest news is that there are less than 100 cases of Covid-19 in the country, but being a third world country, there is no telling what the exact number is. Also, being a third world country there is less medical expertise and fewer supplies to help those with the virus. All the schools in the country have been closed. Travel in and out of the country has been reduced greatly.

Sokhom and I have been visiting regularly about appropriate procedures concerning the pandemic and CCM activities. We have closed the front gate for the time being. The only exception is that two of our men go to the market daily to get food. When they return they wash their hands and change clothes. Our doctors are paying attention to the developing situation, but until more information and protective equipment becomes available, they are simply following the guidelines to slow the spread.

Sokhom’s spring trip to the US has been postponed. We continue teaching Bible via Skype to the Cambodia Bible School students. Thank the Lord for technology! And in spite of everything, construction continues on the fish pond, building up the levy, putting a better roof and walls on the multi-purpose building for future LeaderCare seminars, etc.  Needless to say, there is still plenty to do and plenty being done!

Please include Cambodia and especially Sokhom and the rest of the people at CCM in your prayers. Feel free to contact me for any further information. God bless the friends and partners of Sokhom and CCM as we continue to bless the precious people of Cambodia with the Good News of Jesus Christ.

In Christ,
Mike Meierhofer   

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