
Beach Trip

The Salmon River in Idaho (The River of No Return) is probably more famous, but the Clearwater River in many folk’s estimation is the bigger, better river. It’s called the Clearwater River because that’s what it is! Likely created during one of the Ice Ages, it’s located at the end of the glacier where small rocks found their way. The river flows from snowpack out of the Sawtooth/Bitterroot Mountains, and the result is a crystal clear river in which you can see the rocks on the bottom.

There is no Clearwater River in Cambodia. Like many of our ponds, lakes and rivers, the water is brown. Most Cambodians live their whole life without ever seeing clear water. Our CCM Jesus Children had heard the rumors about the great ocean, and they didn’t want to be those folks who grew up never seeing it. So they came up with a plan. They talked Grandpa “Softy” Sokhom into sending them to see the ocean. Early in the morning, they loaded up multiple vehicles with children and their adult chaperones and drove to the ocean. The kids were stunned by the magnitude and the beauty of the ocean, but even more so by the clarity of the water! They found it hard to believe that water came in any other color but brown!

Everybody had a great day at the ocean in the magnificence of God’s creation! They played and splashed and picnicked and made memories that will last them a lifetime. These children love simple pleasures. They’re not spoiled brats or ungrateful little whiners. In fact, they’re just the opposite: appreciative, kind, and grateful for the opportunities Jesus Place affords them. Their attitudes are as fresh as clean, clear water.

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Medical Mission Trip Update

Check out Mike’s update from the February Medical Mission Trip!

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Thanks 2021 Golfers!

Thanks to all of our sponsors and golfers for your incredible support! What a blessing to be with you for our 8th Annual Cambodia Christian Ministries Golf Tournament and what a great day for golf! There is nothing like October Texas weather and the Brookhaven Country Club staff are always gracious hosts.

Cambodia continues to be one of the best opportunities to share the gift of faith in Christ in the world! The country is almost entirely Buddhist, but when people hear of Jesus… well it’s truly amazing. Mike always says it’s like being in the first century church! While we wish Sokhom could have joined us this year in person, we are united across the world in our love for God’s people in Cambodia.

Your generosity will help spread the gospel and love of God among lost and hurting people. Who would have thought that playing golf could bless the poor, feed the hungry and heal the sick. Thanks to all of our partners in the Lord! We are humbled to serve.

Click here to see photos from the day. See you next year!

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Cobra Soup Is Mm-Mm Good!

Campbell’s Cobra soup is mm-mm good!

Years ago, Sokhom and I reached out to an organization that helps with building projects in poor countries.  On the questionnaire they asked if there were any poisonous snakes in the area.  Sokhom had me write, “No poisonous snakes. We ate them all!”

That story rang true this week when one of our workers walked by the guesthouse where I stay when in Cambodia. He stepped over what he thought was a stick, but it turned out to be a five-foot long cobra!

Sokhom said they killed it with a rock, and then one of the students made some excellent cobra soup. According to them, it doesn’t taste like chicken but definitely tastes better than rat.

Sokhom has made a great sacrifice to serve the Lord as a missionary in his native country of Cambodia. As a result, God has blessed CCM in a monumental way. Together, we have physically helped over 200,000 poor people in villages since 2009. Greater yet, we are no longer able to keep track of the number of Buddhists and Muslims becoming Christians because of our CBS graduates along with several hundred house church leaders sharing Jesus in their respective villages.

Maybe cobra soup is not mm-mm good, but the mission work of Sokhom Hun and the CCM team is a sweet aroma and sacrifice to the Lord!


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Cambodia Christian Ministries Medical Mission Trip

Three weeks from now our medical team will travel to several different remote villages of Cambodia that have little or no access to medical care. We will provide medical exams, prescriptions, teeth extractions, and eye glasses to thousands. To see the faces of the poor as our massive bus full of medical people turns into their village will drive one to tears of humility. These people are so precious and so innocent and have so little compared to all of us on the bus. It is an enormous honor to bless them with the love of Jesus.

All workers must cover their own airfare to Cambodia, however we do need funds to cover medicine, eyeglasses, food and lodging for the workers, rental of the bus and driver, etc. We can provide medical care for $4 to $5 per patient. We estimate the cost of our January medical mission trip to be about $40,000, but that will provide over 10,000 patient treatments! Simply amazing.

We invite you to help us help the poorest of the poor in remote Cambodian villages. You can donate online or send your donations to Cambodia Christian Ministries, 10550 Marsh Lane, Dallas, TX, 75229.

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August Update!

See Mike’s most recent update on all things Cambodia below. There’s also a surprise toward the beginning… an unexpected guest joins by phone!

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Medical Mission Update!

We thank God for a great January Medical Mission Trip! Our team of doctors, medical personnel, and volunteers worked together to serve thousands of Cambodians living in poor, rural areas. On top of that, 47 people heard and responded to the good news of God’s love in Jesus!

Check out Mike’s presentation, which includes photos and video from the trip. Also please continue to pray for Sokhom, our students and their families, the people of Cambodia, and the church there. God continues to work, and we are thankful to Him for your participation and support!

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2018 Golf Tournament and Beyond

Thanks again to all of our 2018 Golf Tournament sponsors and participants! The funds we raised will go toward flood relief and the various components of our work in Cambodia (preacher training, leadership seminars, orphan care, water well drilling, medicine and food).

Click here to see pictures from our wet but beautiful day of fellowship and encouragement. If you were able to join us for dinner after the tournament, you heard first-hand how humbled and thankful Sokhom is for all of you. God has truly blessed this ministry! Sokhom returns to Cambodia very soon. Please continue to pray for him, for the work, and for the people of Cambodia!

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Medical Mission Update

The January Medical Mission Trip performed over 11,000 patient treatments this year!  Even better, there were over 600 students in Bible classes during the trip and 29 people became Christians!  Check out Mike’s update along with pictures and video for more information, and please continue to pray for Sokhom and others doing the Lord’s work in Cambodia.


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