The floods from the typhoon (worst in our province since 1951) devastated the rice crop in Cambodia, which people depend on for food. Thanks to your generous support, Sokhom was able to purchase 15 tons of rice seed for people to plant. In a few months, the harvest will be ready and food production will be back on track. He also purchased 5 tons of rice and will purchase more as it becomes available to give to the hungry. Each of these bags will carry a message of love… a literal message (a note actually attached) and a symbolic message of the love of God through Jesus Christ.

There had been a delay in getting the rice to our CCM Center due to the washed out bridge to the west and the main road to the east. Since it would take months for the government to do the necessary repairs, we finally received permission from a government official to pay to fix part of the road. That allowed us to get the rice in and handed out to the people in need. Price gouging has been an issue as well due to the shortage.

The other good news we are happy to announce is that the school and all of the CCM Center is cleaned up and running smoothly again. Skype teaching has resumed, as has treatment at the medical clinic.  Since the buildings are made of concrete (no sheet rock, etc.), the clean up went quickly considering the circumstances.

We still need ongoing funds to continue meeting the needs of the people. $30 feeds a family for a month! We also need funds to restock our fish hatchery and to bring in 1,500 loads of topsoil for our 70 acres (washed away).

If you can help, please contact Mike (214-533-4266) or send your donation to Cambodia Christian Ministries (10550 Marsh Lane, Dallas, TX 75229) with Flood Relief in the memo line. Please feel free to share this update with others.