Donate with a Check
If you would like to make a tax-deductible contribution to the ongoing mission work in Cambodia by check, please make it payable to ‘Cambodia Christian Ministries‘ and mail to:10550 Marsh Lane Dallas, TX 75229
Donate with Online Bill Pay
If you would like to make monthly tax-deductible contributions, the best way is usually through your bank. Most banks offer free Bill Pay, where your bank will actually mail a check for you every month. You control the donation amount and frequency, and CCM does not pay any card processing fee (about 3%).
For more information, contact your bank or feel free to call us at 214-351-3731. Send to Cambodia Christian Ministries, 10550 Marsh Lane Dallas, TX 75229.
Please make a note in your check memo or the account line in Bill Pay if you’d like to donate towards one or more of the following ministries:
- Medical Missions
- Cambodia Bible School (CBS)
- Water Wells
- OrphanCare
- LeaderCare