
Beach Trip

The Salmon River in Idaho (The River of No Return) is probably more famous, but the Clearwater River in many folk’s estimation is the bigger, better river. It’s called the Clearwater River because that’s what it is! Likely created during one of the Ice Ages, it’s located at the end of the glacier where small rocks found their way. The river flows from snowpack out of the Sawtooth/Bitterroot Mountains, and the result is a crystal clear river in which you can see the rocks on the bottom.

There is no Clearwater River in Cambodia. Like many of our ponds, lakes and rivers, the water is brown. Most Cambodians live their whole life without ever seeing clear water. Our CCM Jesus Children had heard the rumors about the great ocean, and they didn’t want to be those folks who grew up never seeing it. So they came up with a plan. They talked Grandpa “Softy” Sokhom into sending them to see the ocean. Early in the morning, they loaded up multiple vehicles with children and their adult chaperones and drove to the ocean. The kids were stunned by the magnitude and the beauty of the ocean, but even more so by the clarity of the water! They found it hard to believe that water came in any other color but brown!

Everybody had a great day at the ocean in the magnificence of God’s creation! They played and splashed and picnicked and made memories that will last them a lifetime. These children love simple pleasures. They’re not spoiled brats or ungrateful little whiners. In fact, they’re just the opposite: appreciative, kind, and grateful for the opportunities Jesus Place affords them. Their attitudes are as fresh as clean, clear water.

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