
Cobra Soup Is Mm-Mm Good!

Campbell’s Cobra soup is mm-mm good!

Years ago, Sokhom and I reached out to an organization that helps with building projects in poor countries.  On the questionnaire they asked if there were any poisonous snakes in the area.  Sokhom had me write, “No poisonous snakes. We ate them all!”

That story rang true this week when one of our workers walked by the guesthouse where I stay when in Cambodia. He stepped over what he thought was a stick, but it turned out to be a five-foot long cobra!

Sokhom said they killed it with a rock, and then one of the students made some excellent cobra soup. According to them, it doesn’t taste like chicken but definitely tastes better than rat.

Sokhom has made a great sacrifice to serve the Lord as a missionary in his native country of Cambodia. As a result, God has blessed CCM in a monumental way. Together, we have physically helped over 200,000 poor people in villages since 2009. Greater yet, we are no longer able to keep track of the number of Buddhists and Muslims becoming Christians because of our CBS graduates along with several hundred house church leaders sharing Jesus in their respective villages.

Maybe cobra soup is not mm-mm good, but the mission work of Sokhom Hun and the CCM team is a sweet aroma and sacrifice to the Lord!



  1. REPLY
    Gloria H Moore says

    That is an unusual meal to say the least. I prase God and thank him for you and your work for him in Cambodia.

  2. REPLY
    Jeremy Thurmon says

    Love this!

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