
2024 Medical Mission Trip Update!

Mike’s back from his recent trip with an update on all God’s doing in Cambodia!

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Why Medical Mission Trips?

“We went to encourage and pray for the congregation his sick and unable to see the clone. Lord please heal him from all sicknesses in his body.”  This is broken English from one of our Cambodia Bible School alumni and now preacher, Tola. Translation: We want you to pray for the sick in our congregation because we have no doctors or nurses to help.

Cambodia Christian Ministries (CCM) seeks to imitate Jesus by helping the poor both physically and spiritually. In Cambodian villages, sometimes the only options are to get better on your own or die. That is actually what spurred Sokhom and Herman Alexander to start conducting medical missions 15 years ago. An 18 year-old boy died in a remote village when they were there in 2007 because he could not get help.

On January 15, 2024 a team from the US will join medical personnel from Cambodia and from other nations to treat thousands of people! It will be our 15th major medical mission trip into the villages of Cambodia. We also provide funding for those with medical emergencies or who need surgery.

We thank the Lord Jesus Christ for the generous individuals and churches who help us bless some of the most precious people to God on the earth. Some of them will be thanking you in heaven one day. God bless you for your Christ-like love.

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Medical Mission Trip Update

Check out Mike’s update from the February Medical Mission Trip!

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Little Children Praying to a Big God

Kampong Leng “Island” is one of the most precious places in Cambodia. CCM helps support two orphanages there. We have graduates of our Cambodia Bible School (CBS) ministering at both orphanages, but we also provide a nurse that takes care of the children’s physical needs. Our young preachers’ mission is what James would call true religion: reaching out to the community with the good news of Jesus Christ and caring for the orphans. Additionally, CCM doctors make several trips to Kampong Leng during the year to check on all the children.

The orphans will smile and laugh as they play with nothing more than a rock and a stick. And oh, how they love to sing songs about Jesus! They have such a pure faith. It’s free from the glamour, glitter and clutter of the world that blinds so many from seeing Jesus clearly.

In the photo above, the children are praying for their daily bread or, in the Cambodia case, RICE. They have so little, but they are big in gratitude. They are little children praying to a big God who loves and cares for all his children.

May the Lord Jesus Christ continue to bless Sokhom and the rest of the workers at CCM as they labor to bless physically and spiritually the orphans, widows, poor, sick, Buddhists, Muslims, and beyond.  

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Cobra Soup Is Mm-Mm Good!

Campbell’s Cobra soup is mm-mm good!

Years ago, Sokhom and I reached out to an organization that helps with building projects in poor countries.  On the questionnaire they asked if there were any poisonous snakes in the area.  Sokhom had me write, “No poisonous snakes. We ate them all!”

That story rang true this week when one of our workers walked by the guesthouse where I stay when in Cambodia. He stepped over what he thought was a stick, but it turned out to be a five-foot long cobra!

Sokhom said they killed it with a rock, and then one of the students made some excellent cobra soup. According to them, it doesn’t taste like chicken but definitely tastes better than rat.

Sokhom has made a great sacrifice to serve the Lord as a missionary in his native country of Cambodia. As a result, God has blessed CCM in a monumental way. Together, we have physically helped over 200,000 poor people in villages since 2009. Greater yet, we are no longer able to keep track of the number of Buddhists and Muslims becoming Christians because of our CBS graduates along with several hundred house church leaders sharing Jesus in their respective villages.

Maybe cobra soup is not mm-mm good, but the mission work of Sokhom Hun and the CCM team is a sweet aroma and sacrifice to the Lord!


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Orphans, Marriage, and Infants

Sopheap and Sreyroth grew up as orphans on a remote island in Cambodia where CCM supports orphanages. They eventually married! It’s a sweet story of two people coming to faith and love together with Jesus in the middle of their marriage. Sopheap graduated Cambodia Bible School in 2017 and oversees the several hundred chickens on our farm. Sreyroth graduated from the university in Phnom Penh majoring in veterinary medicine.

Recently, the two were blessed with a new baby, but the infant had some serious physical issues. Thankfully, with the help of CCM donations and the children’s hospital in Phnom Penh, they were able to get the critically needed surgery and the long term outlook is very positive! It’s really amazing what God can do with generous servants with a heart for the poor! God bless you for helping us help the precious poor in Cambodia.

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Hit and Run Won’t Stop Gospel

This brother got hit by a car while driving on his motorbike to come hear the gospel. He had minor cuts and scrapes, but the neighbor he brought with him broke her elbow and arm. Some of our students took her to the hospital in Phnom Penh and covered all the medical expenses. Then after he was treated by our nurses from abroad, he stayed with us to listen to the Bible lessons! What great faith is this?!

Our January Medical Mission Trip was full of precious souls like this coming for spiritual and physical healing. The staff of doctors and nurses and other helpers from abroad did an amazing job showing the love of God to people who have so little hope! When the gospel message of God’s love through Jesus is preached together with loving actions from Christian people, great things happen!

Click here to see the full details from Mike’s video update and learn more about the work being done among the poor in Cambodia!

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Cambodia and Coronavirus

As the Coronavirus spreads around the globe, some of you have asked how Cambodia Christian Ministries is handling the situation. The latest news is that there are less than 100 cases of Covid-19 in the country, but being a third world country, there is no telling what the exact number is. Also, being a third world country there is less medical expertise and fewer supplies to help those with the virus. All the schools in the country have been closed. Travel in and out of the country has been reduced greatly.

Sokhom and I have been visiting regularly about appropriate procedures concerning the pandemic and CCM activities. We have closed the front gate for the time being. The only exception is that two of our men go to the market daily to get food. When they return they wash their hands and change clothes. Our doctors are paying attention to the developing situation, but until more information and protective equipment becomes available, they are simply following the guidelines to slow the spread.

Sokhom’s spring trip to the US has been postponed. We continue teaching Bible via Skype to the Cambodia Bible School students. Thank the Lord for technology! And in spite of everything, construction continues on the fish pond, building up the levy, putting a better roof and walls on the multi-purpose building for future LeaderCare seminars, etc.  Needless to say, there is still plenty to do and plenty being done!

Please include Cambodia and especially Sokhom and the rest of the people at CCM in your prayers. Feel free to contact me for any further information. God bless the friends and partners of Sokhom and CCM as we continue to bless the precious people of Cambodia with the Good News of Jesus Christ.

In Christ,
Mike Meierhofer   

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January 2020 Medical Mission Trip

Keep this photo in your mind for future reference. Then, the next time you are getting grumpy as you wait to see the doctor, picture these precious Cambodians filled with joy as they wait their turn to receive medical treatment.

Click here to see the details of our recent medical mission trip to remote villages of Cambodia.

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