Mike’s back from his recent trip with an update on all God’s doing in Cambodia!
Why Medical Mission Trips?
“We went to encourage and pray for the congregation his sick and unable to see the clone. Lord please heal him from all sicknesses in his body.” This is broken English from one of our Cambodia Bible School alumni and now preacher, Tola. Translation: We want you to pray for the sick in our congregation because we have no doctors or nurses to help.

Cambodia Christian Ministries (CCM) seeks to imitate Jesus by helping the poor both physically and spiritually. In Cambodian villages, sometimes the only options are to get better on your own or die. That is actually what spurred Sokhom and Herman Alexander to start conducting medical missions 15 years ago. An 18 year-old boy died in a remote village when they were there in 2007 because he could not get help.
On January 15, 2024 a team from the US will join medical personnel from Cambodia and from other nations to treat thousands of people! It will be our 15th major medical mission trip into the villages of Cambodia. We also provide funding for those with medical emergencies or who need surgery.
We thank the Lord Jesus Christ for the generous individuals and churches who help us bless some of the most precious people to God on the earth. Some of them will be thanking you in heaven one day. God bless you for your Christ-like love.
Sokhom’s New Truck!
This is one humble, happy, grateful and excited servant missionary! As Cambodia continues to open up travel post Covid-19, Sokhom has organized and conducted many more LeaderCare seminars in remote villages around the country. He teaches Bible to groups of newer house church leaders, and they in turn pass on the teachings of Jesus to members of their house and respective churches. But Sokhom has to go to them and driving in Cambodia is dangerous.
In 2009, Sokhom personally paid to have his two vehicles shipped to Cambodia to begin mission work. Then one of his vehicles was confiscated by a government official several years ago. He’s just been driving his old truck ever since, racking up over 300,000 miles. As you can see, it was time for something new!
God bless you for participating in giving gifts of love to bless a non-stop, tireless servant for the Lord. What a blessing to know our favorite missionary and servant is in a safe, practical and reliable vehicle! Want a ride? Contact Mike Meierhofer and you can join him in Cambodia on an amazing future mission trip!
Medical Mission Trip Update
Check out Mike’s update from the February Medical Mission Trip!
Little Children Praying to a Big God
Kampong Leng “Island” is one of the most precious places in Cambodia. CCM helps support two orphanages there. We have graduates of our Cambodia Bible School (CBS) ministering at both orphanages, but we also provide a nurse that takes care of the children’s physical needs. Our young preachers’ mission is what James would call true religion: reaching out to the community with the good news of Jesus Christ and caring for the orphans. Additionally, CCM doctors make several trips to Kampong Leng during the year to check on all the children.
The orphans will smile and laugh as they play with nothing more than a rock and a stick. And oh, how they love to sing songs about Jesus! They have such a pure faith. It’s free from the glamour, glitter and clutter of the world that blinds so many from seeing Jesus clearly.
In the photo above, the children are praying for their daily bread or, in the Cambodia case, RICE. They have so little, but they are big in gratitude. They are little children praying to a big God who loves and cares for all his children.
May the Lord Jesus Christ continue to bless Sokhom and the rest of the workers at CCM as they labor to bless physically and spiritually the orphans, widows, poor, sick, Buddhists, Muslims, and beyond.
Equipping Cambodian Leaders – February 2022 Mission Trip
Check out Mike’s update from his first post-pandemic visit! God continues to do great things through Sokhom, the students, and the generosity of so many Christian servants!
Let the Little Children Come to Me
…for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these (Mark 10:14).
One of the beautiful blessings of sharing Jesus in the remote villages of Cambodia is witnessing the
spiritual hunger and thirst of the young people. We praise the Lord always for the many Buddhist and Muslim adults who turn to Jesus for salvation, but seeing young Cambodians come to Jesus is especially exciting looking ahead. The spiritual landscape of Cambodia in the future will more and more be transformed into the image of the Son of God. These Christian young people will soon be leaders in this country, and our efforts now will pay spiritual dividends in the kingdom of God at an increasing measure. God bless you for being a part of saving precious souls in Cambodia!
Burn Baby Burn
In Acts 19:11-20 the Apostle Paul leads many to salvation in Christ in Ephesus. People carried handkerchiefs or aprons from Paul’s body to the sick, and they would be healed. Many brought their magic books and burned them in the fire as a sign that those powers were no longer necessary since they have Jesus in their life.
As we preach Jesus in the remote villages of Cambodia, Buddhists and Muslims will come to be baptized into Christ wearing superstitious bracelets and multi-colored belts to protect them from the evil spirits. Sokhom literally checks peoples’ wrists and waists as they come forward. When he finds a person wearing a religious-magic item, he talks to them about the uselessness of it compared to the real power of Jesus to work in their lives. Then he uses it as a teaching tool and talks to the crowd to help them see that Christ is all we need. These evil spirits have no power compared to Jesus! Others will then remove the bracelets and belts and we will burn them in a fire – just like Acts 19.
One year Sokhom held up his Bible in one hand and a lighter in the other and jokingly said to me, “This is all I need in the villages of Cambodia.”
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