On January 7, 1979, the Pol Pot Killing Fields’ holocaust came to an end, leaving millions of innocent Cambodians dead. January 7 is a special day of relief in the hearts of Cambodians. On January 7, 2010 another great event occurred – Dr. Yinh was buried with Christ in baptism as he professed his faith in Jesus Christ, accepted Him into his heart as Savior and Lord, and began a life of independence (and dependence) in Christ. Immediately Dr. Yinh began serving Jesus by bonding himself to Sokhom.

Every time Sokhom went to a remote village to help people spiritually, Dr. Yinh demanded to come along so he could help people physically. He became affectionately known as Dr. Gold Needle. On our medical mission trips he would treat patients during lunchtime rather than eat. At night he would treat our team of doctors with gold injections rather than relax. He was a first-class servant of the Lord.

Dr. Yinh had a motorbike accident three years ago and suffered a head injury that ended his medical practice, and recently, Dr. Yinh went home to be with the Lord. We thank God for the rich blessing of knowing the faithful, loving servant of Jesus, Dr. Yinh. This is certainly a case of earth’s loss is heaven’s gain”.