One of CCM’s primary ministries is providing free healthcare to the poor in Cambodian villages.  Since 2009 we have provided over 150,000 treatments, helping people through exams and prescriptions, dental work, eye checks and distributing eye glasses.  Medical professionals from Singapore, Malaysia, India, the Philippines, Canada, the US, and Vietnam have joined us to bless the poorest of the poor in Cambodia.  And of course, we always provide spiritual help in the villages to any who want to hear about this “Jesus”, who sent us to them.

We have also become well-known for delivering babies… but not in the normal sense of the word!  You see, the only motorized vehicles in the villages surrounding CCM Center are motorbikes, and the last thing a woman in labor wants to do is climb on a motorbike and ride 20-30 minutes to the clinic to have her baby.  Thankfully, CCM just so happens to have a 15-passenger van.  Local dads-to-be sometimes call Sokhom in the middle of the night in hysterics (proper time for going into labor, right?), asking if he can send one of our doctors to take their wife to the clinic to have a baby.  Now the word is out!  In the last year or so, we have “delivered” over 20 babies.  One of them was even born in the back seat of the van!

The surrounding villages love the Jesus People at Jesus Place.  I think we win the affection of a lot of young moms and dads along the way as we help bring their little ones into the world.