A “FLOG” is a flood blog!  🙂

I wanted to tell loving people like you, who help provide relief to those who are hungry and hurting, about the flood and the relief effort in Cambodia.  Last month Sokhom, our three doctors, and our 15+ preaching students hand-delivered many tons of rice to the poor in remote villages.  Recent tropical storms and broken dams had caused tremendous flooding, which inflicted losses and suffering on the people.  Most of the rice went to those who were hit hard a few hours northwest of CCM Center, but all of it went to villages where we have either graduates or house church leaders we partner with.  These relationships allow us to show the love of Jesus in a clear way.  Sokhom and his team will make another delivery later in January as the region continues to recover from the destruction. 

I also want you to know that every dollar given for flood relief in 2020 has been spent for that purpose. In 2021, we continue to have no administrative fees and all donations will continue to go to the ministry and work in Cambodia. We thank the Lord so much for your partnership with us to physically and spiritually help the poor of Cambodia. God bless you for your love for the disadvantaged!