
Hit and Run Won’t Stop Gospel

This brother got hit by a car while driving on his motorbike to come hear the gospel. He had minor cuts and scrapes, but the neighbor he brought with him broke her elbow and arm. Some of our students took her to the hospital in Phnom Penh and covered all the medical expenses. Then after he was treated by our nurses from abroad, he stayed with us to listen to the Bible lessons! What great faith is this?!

Our January Medical Mission Trip was full of precious souls like this coming for spiritual and physical healing. The staff of doctors and nurses and other helpers from abroad did an amazing job showing the love of God to people who have so little hope! When the gospel message of God’s love through Jesus is preached together with loving actions from Christian people, great things happen!

Click here to see the full details from Mike’s video update and learn more about the work being done among the poor in Cambodia!

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Cambodia and Coronavirus

As the Coronavirus spreads around the globe, some of you have asked how Cambodia Christian Ministries is handling the situation. The latest news is that there are less than 100 cases of Covid-19 in the country, but being a third world country, there is no telling what the exact number is. Also, being a third world country there is less medical expertise and fewer supplies to help those with the virus. All the schools in the country have been closed. Travel in and out of the country has been reduced greatly.

Sokhom and I have been visiting regularly about appropriate procedures concerning the pandemic and CCM activities. We have closed the front gate for the time being. The only exception is that two of our men go to the market daily to get food. When they return they wash their hands and change clothes. Our doctors are paying attention to the developing situation, but until more information and protective equipment becomes available, they are simply following the guidelines to slow the spread.

Sokhom’s spring trip to the US has been postponed. We continue teaching Bible via Skype to the Cambodia Bible School students. Thank the Lord for technology! And in spite of everything, construction continues on the fish pond, building up the levy, putting a better roof and walls on the multi-purpose building for future LeaderCare seminars, etc.  Needless to say, there is still plenty to do and plenty being done!

Please include Cambodia and especially Sokhom and the rest of the people at CCM in your prayers. Feel free to contact me for any further information. God bless the friends and partners of Sokhom and CCM as we continue to bless the precious people of Cambodia with the Good News of Jesus Christ.

In Christ,
Mike Meierhofer   

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January 2020 Medical Mission Trip

Keep this photo in your mind for future reference. Then, the next time you are getting grumpy as you wait to see the doctor, picture these precious Cambodians filled with joy as they wait their turn to receive medical treatment.

Click here to see the details of our recent medical mission trip to remote villages of Cambodia.

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Blood Brothers

Thanks to Phanat Ouch for this post!

Samon (left) was a high ranking soldier of the Khmer Rouge. Sokhom (right) was a commando soldier of American-backed Lon Nol’s army. They were sworn enemies and shed blood against each other during the war, BUT the shedding of Christ’s blood turned them from enemies to brothers. This is the power of the gospel! Samon was the key organizer for this event to happen in his hometown. Not only were we able to help over 1000 people with health care, but we also preached the gospel to them this whole day! Had to share this amazing story.

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Cambodia Christian Ministries Medical Mission Trip

Three weeks from now our medical team will travel to several different remote villages of Cambodia that have little or no access to medical care. We will provide medical exams, prescriptions, teeth extractions, and eye glasses to thousands. To see the faces of the poor as our massive bus full of medical people turns into their village will drive one to tears of humility. These people are so precious and so innocent and have so little compared to all of us on the bus. It is an enormous honor to bless them with the love of Jesus.

All workers must cover their own airfare to Cambodia, however we do need funds to cover medicine, eyeglasses, food and lodging for the workers, rental of the bus and driver, etc. We can provide medical care for $4 to $5 per patient. We estimate the cost of our January medical mission trip to be about $40,000, but that will provide over 10,000 patient treatments! Simply amazing.

We invite you to help us help the poorest of the poor in remote Cambodian villages. You can donate online or send your donations to Cambodia Christian Ministries, 10550 Marsh Lane, Dallas, TX, 75229.

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August Update!

See Mike’s most recent update on all things Cambodia below. There’s also a surprise toward the beginning… an unexpected guest joins by phone!

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Different Kind of Beggar

Meet Marin. His polio prevents him from walking on two feet so instead he crawls about on all fours (see brief video below). Marin lives in the Svay Reing Province of Cambodia, just minutes from the Vietnam border. He and his wife have four children, two of which have severe physical handicaps as well. Marin supports his family without begging for help. He crawls in the muddy fields, planting vegetables and rice. One year we gave him money to buy a new wheelchair to replace the rickety, old thing he could barely get around in. We found out later that he bought a new chair and gave it to his handicapped daughter.

Marin is a beggar but not the kind we would naturally assume him to be. He is a beggar telling other beggars where to get the bread: that is he tells the lost about Jesus, the Bread of Life. He is a passionate preacher for Jesus. Marin attends all of our LeaderCare seminars when we travel to the Vietnam border, and he is one of the most knowledgeable Bible students around.

We meet so many in Cambodia who inspire us.  And we aspire to be like them in their devotion, commitment, and love for Jesus. Some drive us to “all fours” in humility and gratitude.

Be sure to watch this 30 second video showing how Marin lives day to day. His hand gesture is not that of begging, but rather that is the normal/formal way Cambodians greet others.

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Help! My Wife Is Having Our Baby!

One of CCM’s primary ministries is providing free healthcare to the poor in Cambodian villages.  Since 2009 we have provided over 150,000 treatments, helping people through exams and prescriptions, dental work, eye checks and distributing eye glasses.  Medical professionals from Singapore, Malaysia, India, the Philippines, Canada, the US, and Vietnam have joined us to bless the poorest of the poor in Cambodia.  And of course, we always provide spiritual help in the villages to any who want to hear about this “Jesus”, who sent us to them.

We have also become well-known for delivering babies… but not in the normal sense of the word!  You see, the only motorized vehicles in the villages surrounding CCM Center are motorbikes, and the last thing a woman in labor wants to do is climb on a motorbike and ride 20-30 minutes to the clinic to have her baby.  Thankfully, CCM just so happens to have a 15-passenger van.  Local dads-to-be sometimes call Sokhom in the middle of the night in hysterics (proper time for going into labor, right?), asking if he can send one of our doctors to take their wife to the clinic to have a baby.  Now the word is out!  In the last year or so, we have “delivered” over 20 babies.  One of them was even born in the back seat of the van!

The surrounding villages love the Jesus People at Jesus Place.  I think we win the affection of a lot of young moms and dads along the way as we help bring their little ones into the world.

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Medical Mission Update!

We thank God for a great January Medical Mission Trip! Our team of doctors, medical personnel, and volunteers worked together to serve thousands of Cambodians living in poor, rural areas. On top of that, 47 people heard and responded to the good news of God’s love in Jesus!

Check out Mike’s presentation, which includes photos and video from the trip. Also please continue to pray for Sokhom, our students and their families, the people of Cambodia, and the church there. God continues to work, and we are thankful to Him for your participation and support!

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The flooding in Cambodia this year caused a lot of damage. Crops were washed out, homes, buildings and roads were damaged, and things were very chaotic. But God works in all things!

We have called it a flood of mercy for many reasons. First and foremost, because the Good News of Jesus has spread even more as a result of the flood. Thanks to your support, our preaching students, doctors, and other servants were able to show God’s love to the people with bags of rice to eat, rice stems to plant, and even the occasional water rescue. Beyond this, God is even using the fish that were lost from CCM Center to spread the name of Jesus.

You see, when the dam burst, our fish farm washed out and we lost 50-60 thousand fish!  But then people downstream saw the fish (blue catfish and tilapia that are unique to the area) and wondered where the fish came from. Those in the know told the people they were from Jesus Place. Jesus Fish from Jesus Place from the Jesus People.

Jesus used a fish to pay the tax, two fish to feed thousands, and tons of fish from the other side of the boat to show the disciples who he was. Perhaps God isn’t done using fish to spread the gospel!

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